Guy Kawasaki

I'm impressed by Guy Kawasaki. Or at least he did make me spend an afternoon surfing just to know more about what he wrote and to watch his videos.
I finished watching his Art of innovation video-which is close to an hour BUT i think it's all worth it. So do check out the website if you have an hr to spare, and hopefully, it brings you knowledge just like it did to me.

And to share, here's what I take from the video.

Art of innovation-Guy Kawasaki

1. To make greatness to the world and change the world. Make meaning with their innovation.
By product will then be making money.
ie: Nike shoes-power, liberation>they make meaning to shoes

2. Keep the team on track to make a mantra-y pdt/service exist at all.
Instead of Mission and Vision
ie: Wendy-Healthy Fast Food
Nike- Authentic Athletic Performance
Fedex- Peace of Mind
Ebay- Making presence to the world

2-3 words to explain why your innovation exists

3. To do things x10 better or jump to the next curve

D-Depth>things will have a lot of features, things that people are looking for on top of the usual items
I-Intelligent>Panasonic takes in 3 diff types of batt for flashlight
C-Complete> the whole package, like the dealers, software, online support, totality of experience. (Lexus)
E-Elegant> Don't have to read the manual to know how to use the device
E-Emotive> Generate emotions within people

Fill the niche of the pdt high to the right

5. Don't worry, Be crappy
ship then test, esp when you are gg to jump curve

6. Innovation polarize people
people should not feel neutral

7. Let a 100 flowers blossom
Who are your buyers, Why and How they are gg to use it
Unintended users/buyers-wrong people buying! -Take the money & ask them why they are adopting it. THEN ask the unintended and fix it for them
Do not be proud, take your best shot at marketing

8. Churn baby churn
Dare to introduce all pdts

9. Unique-Value of uniqueness to customers
High to the right
ie: order pet food online where shipping will be ex and the customer have to be home for the delivery
smart car-can park perpendicular to the curve, instead of parallel

10. Understand how to pitch
pitch for money, approval, partnership
10 slides for ppt, in 20 minutes, font size 30

11. Do not like the VC put you down.



