trip to yiwu
That will probably summarized my trip to yiwu-definitely not a wasted trip.
The whole trip in getting to yiwu is already an experience-right from the start.
First, we took the really really early train-8.10am. So that means I need to wake up earlier than my usual working hours.
Then I went to the WRONG train station. It was supposed to be 上海南站 and I ended up at 上海火车站! It was a good thing that from the place I was to the place I'm supposed to be at has a straight train, if not I will probably head back home. So not wanting to waste my leave, I took a train to 上海南站 to return my ticket and buy a new ticket. Managed to get the 10am train, but time check, it's only 8.45am. That means an hour plus to waste. :| So I decided to explore around, and I must say that it is really nice. It LOOKS like an airport can! And it's only one of Shanghai's train station. Amazing! :D
And guess where I landed in-STARBUCKS. lol. If you know, I'm the most anti-coffee person, but being stranded alone, somehow seeing something so close to your heart makes you want to be part of it. So yes, I ordered the x'mas special-Toffee Nut Latte, which I probably didn't finished in the end. A proof that I don't have the thing for coffee still. :D
Finally boarded the train and I tucked myself in the corner with my ipod. Probably the first time where I think ipod makes the difference. Imagine hard seats, alone, 3hrs ride-I think the music helps a lot. It's probably the first time I took a train ride myself-or rather, travel by myself. And there's this funny feeling in me which made me thought a lot. Like how I always want to travel and explore the world-but yet at that point of time, with no one beside me, I felt a little lost. But all in all, it's really good, cause I had the time to reflect on my half a year stunt in Shanghai. Which is always good to evaluate what I have done so far and how I should progress.
And after the long 3hrs ride, I FINALLY reach yiwu! yippie! Took a cab to the location to meet up with ernest and damon. Along the ride, talked to the cab driver and found out juciy information. I love nice cab drivers! :D They are probably good source to understand more about the local culture. And yes, yiwu is THE BIG thing man. Imagine Sg's Expo hall, then you mulitply it by 4 levels of that, then you imagine A LOT of such buildings around. Yar-it's MASSIVE. I only managed to cover 1-2 levels within 2-3 hours, and somehow in the middle, I got lost as well. And yes, it's basically the heaven for people to import and export. If you think qipu is cheap, here at yiwu, it's freakign cheap!! But of course, there is a need to buy in bulk, if not the shopkeepers will not even twit their eyelashes at you. lol. There's just EVERYTHING in the world to look for-toys, jewellery, hp accessories, clothes, pipes, hairdryers blahblahblah... Think I can immerse myself at there for a month man! :D So I was happy shopping around, trying to see if I can get anything and also looking out for business opportunities. Well, I spent a total of about rmb100 (box of rings for girlfriends and those handphone carrier to put on the desk) , and a number of namecards. Shopped around till the building closes, which is early-5pm. :(
Then we headed back to the train station to catch the train back to Shanghai. Along the ride, watched Rambo, which is a good film. :D And we talked about our NOC experience. A few take-home lessons:
1. Use this opportunity to discover yourself. If you think you know yourself, then use this chance to test it.
2. Less emo.
SO yes, that's basically the super fruitfully trip to yiwu. Now it spur me to THINK, what is the blue ocean strategy for me to fit in? I need to see the gap to create the market. ((:
So yes, brainstorming in action.
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