mashed up feelings

baby officially completed his 3 wks stay in Shanghai! :D And he is on his way home.. probably already at home by now. And soon, I will be back home as well. VERY SOON indeed-which brings about a mixed feelings. Happy to be home to see everyone; Nervous cause I have not seen everyone for almost half a year; Busy with all the shopping goodies for everyone; Excited cause it's CHINESE NEW YEAR *smells FOOD and ANGPAO!; FINALLY get some SUN! :D (sentosa!); AND for everything that i miss back home.

And photos!

Maglev! Up to 400km/hr.

Finally! Baby in Shanghai.

Our first trip on the train. :D

I love this photo! An element of artistic feel in it.



And soon-HARBIN trip. Will probably do a travelogue for that, if time permits. :D

And yes, baby's fav! Bing Tang Hu Lou. :D yumyum!

Till then, it's back to NOC internship report. gosh- :(
oh! did i mentioned that PICASA is so cool in the photo collage? DAMN GOOD!



