the eager to blog down what i feel started from the cycling trip i had a few weeks back, where there's much reflection of life and all just from that. But i guess somehow i didn't get down to setting up a blog. way too lazy. BUT now, i decided that i shall try to pen down my thoughts. (: which will be a good way to document my stay in Shanghai-to keep them as memories and my learning experience.
And yes, i'm right now in Beijing-which is totally coool. While it's only a day here so far, things have been great. The big sunny sun is high up, the roads are perfectly clean, the hotel is cool when u have the whole room to yourself, the people are nice, the roast duck is yummy, the grundfos office is pretty, the bird nest and the water cube just so cool, the freaking cold weather is something you don't get to experience it in Sg. ((: BEIJING ROCKS! i'm hoping to be able to come more over-ask me to move over to beijing now i will be damn willingly. eh, except that all my friends are back in Shanghai. oh well!
This whole NOC experience is really indeed something which i will want to make the best out of it. Let's go SHANGHAI!
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