a trip down to orchard

so heading down to town was quite a good experience.
they have new buildings (go to OC, Heaven Loft!) and funny glass deco along the roads.. Ion is almost up as well (don need to detour to get out of orchard mrt)

but the most interesting part which i told baby was this..

tini: for the 1st time, sg guys actually look good!
gim: of course la! look where u came from?
tini: LOL

gim: wait till u see me, u will think ur bf damn handsome!
tini: ....
tini: and when we head to europe, u will be far off from the benchmark.
gim: but i think the swedish are top of the chart. they are a league by themselves..
tini: can we go there then?
gim: NO. there's a reason why u are nt going there..
tini: WHAHAHA.

so swedish, my bf thinks u all are pretty and handsome!

back home

finnally managed to BLOG!
like BYE to china's great firewall, and HELLO to blogger!

feels good to be home. yet sad to leave shanghai.

Movies oh movies

It's amazing that when I'm in china, I've become Jack Sparrow. (I still remember the joke that Jeremy cracked! lol)

And movies have been the recent highlights for me. So here's some recommendations or what I have watched. :D

Magley and Me
Yes Man
Definitely, Maybe
Slumdog Millionaire
and ehhh.. i can't rem. but clearly i did watched more! haha

Those in my lappie but not watched yet:
Fast & Furious 4
Monsters vs. Aliens 3D

Heard these are good:
Any given Sunday
True Blood
Not easily broken

sure feels like a movie marathon! And wanna know the secret why there's just endless flow of movies available? ask me personally yea. (just in case i get sue for what i say-hahaha)

Updates FINALLY!

Yes oh yes! Clearly I haven't been blogging for a long time! And thanks to Many and Tai reminders, I decided I should do so. BUT when I try to think of something to write, it kinda hits me that urgh-it's going to be boring to talk about what happened to my life, blahblahblah. Yes I know, it's a form of updating my friends and all (*no more excuses!), but it's like I don't exactly have a WOW event to talk about. It's more of little things that happened along the day which one don't blog just to say 'Oh! This happened to me yadayahda...'

And this brings me to Twitter, or Jiwai (for China version). Firstly, China has almost the replica of any huge and successful Western dotcom! Seriously! You name me E-bay, I can give you Taobao; Google for BaiDu, and the list can really go on. So yea, it's really amazing to think how smart the Chinese can copy and fit according to their market. But yes, the fact that I used to think Twitter will just be another social networking platform like Facebook (which I still do), I think it has brought me another dimension-which is micro-blogging. Giving my friends updates on things that affects/incites me at any point of time. It can be on the way home, where all of a sudden the rain pours and I see people running and just at the moment, I feel why should we run when perhaps we can walk and enjoy the rain? And it's things like these that I will not blog about when I reach home. It's more of the moment thing to do. So yes, that's the value I see Twitter for. I'm very sure there's a lot others like how people receive instant news and all. But till I experience it myself, I won't comment on how useful it is. :D
So yes, that's Twitter for you.

For some random reflections-it has been 8 months since I'm here in Shanghai! It certainly doesn't feel that long a time, but indeed it is. I remembered saying 1 year won't be too long, and before you know it, it will be over. How true indeed! And with only 3 months or less to go, it's quite scary to think about it. It's not that I don't love Sg (even though I do wanna live overseas), but I feel that it's so small and there's just so many things I can do, explore over here. I'm not being cliché in saying that NOC is all great and it's a wonderful experience. Cause I believe that any overseas exchange/internship will bring about an experience, but rather, I think what I enjoy about NOC is the synergy, where it brings about people who wants more-to learn/explore/try. I think I would never read the things I read now, I would not meet the people I meet now and would not explore the things I explore now. And something I learnt it the sharing culture-providing and receiving information between friends. It's amazing. For me, when I read an article which is useful or interesting, I will want to email and share it with all. This is something which I think I would not have done back then in Sg. Of course I'm still dumb in a lot of things like which is the capital for all the various countries (which baby loves to test me), but I think I have learnt more than I would if done alone. :D

So yes, while I have reflected a little, I hope this blog also serves as a learning point. For anyone who chance upon to go 'ohhh.. that is something interesting...' or anywhere along the lines! You get my drift!


Having fun while at work. :D

Email to Blog function

I came across this Mail2Blogger function and TADAH-here I am to try and see if it works!

In the mood for all the techy stuff. There's just so much to explore! :D

Fu Shujing, Christine (Ms)
Shanghai House of Entrepreneurs, NUS
External Liaison Director
+86 13482730579

Twitter: | fushujing |

Fa Piao Experience

If you don't know what FaPiao (发票) is, here's a brief explanation of it.
It is basically official invoices that is registered at the local tax bureau, so that the government can keep track and get the shops to pay taxess.. I think only China has such a system.. I must say it is indeed an interesting concept!

But yes, a extra incentive for consumers to get fa piao is the scratch card-like. Those that is covered with a sliver layer and by scratching it, hopefully you win a prize.
And LUCKY me-I'm quite on a streak! :D
Top record-rmb50.



